
17980 requests found

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To whom it may concern In the light of the recent news about the amount of money the councils collect from the images captured by bus lane cameras is the reason for requesting the following....

How many individual bus journeys have been taken in Greater London every month since January 2016? I would appreciate the most up to date figures, ideally as a month-by-month break-down from...

Could you please provide me with the following information for staff driving vehicles on the road: The number of LU Staff per year, going back as far as records have been kept or are available,...

Im currently working on a mock project relating to the railway and its surrounding context, my mock site is located right next to South Bermondsey station and I was asked to draw a detailed section...

Could you please tell me what information (if any) regarding the interface between the London Underground network and BT's deep level tunnels would *not* be subject to this statutory exemption?...

Please provide the following information under the FOI act 2000. 1) any internal emails relating to the abandoned introduction of a 24hour service on route X26 when it was being re-tendered. ...

1. What are the rates of employee absence on the London Underground for the last 3 calendar years, broken down by reason (sickness; AWOL, etc) for: i.) each London Underground line? ii.) each...

A record of new traffic lights installed in Zone 1 of London (January 2010 until present day). More specifically: - The number of traffic lights installed - The location of each traffic light...

Good morning TfL, as far as i'm concerned the financial year at the beginning of the month. With 3 weeks of validation passed, is there any chance I could possibly got a list of the routes with...

I am writing under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request information about Transport for London’s use of CCTV, specifically I am asking the following: 1. How many CCTV cameras does...