FOI request detail

Traffic lights installed in Zone 1

Request ID: FOI-2417-1617
Date published: 12 July 2017

You asked

A record of new traffic lights installed in Zone 1 of London (January 2010 until present day). More specifically: - The number of traffic lights installed - The location of each traffic light installed - The date that each traffic light was installed - The number (if any) of traffic lights taken down Please note, I am only looking for information within Zone 1 from January 2010 until present day. Also, I am referring to traffic lights/signals. NOT cameras.

We answered

TfL Ref: FOI-2417-1617


Thank you for your FOI request received by Transport for London (TfL) on 1 March 2017 asking for technical information about traffic lights.


Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our Information Access Policy. I can confirm we do hold the information you require.


However, we are unable to provide the information in the format requested for the following reasons:


  • Zone 1 refers to an area on a diagrammatical London Underground map used for ticketing purpose and does not have a physically perimeter that can be overlaid on a street map to produce the accuracy required to answer this query.


  • Notwithstanding the above, the information cannot be collated by an automated system as traffic signal addresses are referenced by boroughs. For zone 1 no single borough lies completely within it and 12 lie partially within it so the only way to do this would be to find all new installations within those 12 boroughs then manually cross reference as to whether they fall within zone 1.


If you would like to revise your request to a particular borough/s then please let me know.


Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.


Yours sincerely,

Melissa Nichols

FOI Case Officer

FOI Case Management Team

General Counsel

Transport for London


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