
18271 requests found

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I would like complete axonometric drawings of every single station on the London Transport network. Specifically, this is every currently operating station on every single currently operating...

Thank you for the information requested and the accompanying table, differentiating offences between Taxi Drivers and PH Drivers. Unfortunately, this differentiation isn't continued into your...

Follow-on from FOI-0987-1718: Could I also have the figures for TFL Knowledge of London applications for the financial year 2016-2017 please?

Dear TfL, I would be grateful if you could answer the following questions. 1) BEFORE granting Uber an operator's license in 2012, did anyone at TfL see Uber's server/booking dispatch system...

Dear FOI Officer, Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I would like to know: 1. How much have Trivago paid Transport for London to display their adverts in tube stations? 2. How long...

IF there are any TfL expert assessments for the effectiveness AND THE VALUE FOR MONEY aspect of the anti-suicide fences on Archway Bridge, I certainly want to read them and request under the...

I am Transport enthusiast collecting data for a minor project I'm currently doing, I was emailing to ask if I could possibly acquire the daily bus usage for the 27th August and 28th August (the...

Hi could you provide me with Tube drivers salary Starting to experienced O/t rates. Bank holiday and weekend o/t rates pay How many people in the past 2 years have been hired from outside...

Could you please provide emails sent from Helen chapman to Leon Daniels that mention uber/ phv from 12 April to the 12 of may 2017 thank you

Dear Freedom of Information officer, I am writing to make an open government request for all the information to which I am entitled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please send...