
19652 requests found

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What measurements have been carried out by TfL and its predecessors on noise and vibration in Barbican homes and: - over what period have these been done? - which flats have had noise pollution...

With respect to request ( Please can you provide digital back copies of former TfL Services maps and if...

I’m trying to find a study undertaken by Oscar Faber in 2002 for TFL about the patronage impacts of the new tram/Light Rail I can find references to it but I can’t access the report from your...

For the period between 01/01/2017 to 31/12/2017 please provide details of how many oyster and contactless journeys were made for each of the following six journeys: • Heathrow T123 to Heathrow...

Clarification follow up from FOI-0479-1819 Thank you for your email. I would like details of the trees directly opposite and next to the property, but also other trees in the road. Given the...

I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. My questions are as follows: 1. Which recuitment organisation or firm was used for advertising, selecting and employing...

Further to recent correspondence with a senior surveyor from your team I would like to request evidence of Tradeteam's rights in relation to the Silvertown Tunnel Order 2008. We have been told...

1. Which data fields your online VRM checker uses from DVLA's data set when checking if a vehicle is subject to the ULEZ; and 2. What algorithm is used by the online VRM checker to determine...

FOI Request - Road Traffic Collision Data. Please can you supply details of the number of recorded collisions on The Outer Circle, Regents Park, London for 2016, 2017 and 2018 year to date. In...

Follow-on from FOI-0619-1819: 1. Of the £299,624 spent on the work, how much is funded within Transport for London and how much is funded by The 2. Of the £299,624 spent on the work,...