
18398 requests found

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How much has TFL received for each advertisement from the People’s Vote displayed on TFL and it’s associates properties ie London Underground Stations over the past 6 months ? How many Peoples...

It seems you regularly catch black cabbies fraudulently using disabled badges. What's the total figure for the last three years please?

Could I have a copy of the Crossrail Rolling Stock and Depot Provision Agreement (RSPA) please?

Please provide information on the following matters:- Any draft versions of weekly reports submitted by the Chair of Crossrail to the Mayor of London, to update the Mayor on the progress of...

How many complaints have been made about the noise on tube trains on the Northern line since January 2018 to date? By this I mean external noises, such as screeching on the tracks, not noise...

How much was the grant TFL had been receiving from the government and how much of this has been cut? •For how long will improvements 'be paused'? •What specifically is categorised as an 'improvement'? •Is...

Please advise the specific reasons why routes A10,U7 427 and 607 were selected to be in the colour coded trial as none of them go through any part of the Hayes Town area while the U1 and U3 which...

I am currently undertaking an evaluation of the Crossrail project as part of an assessment for my university course. In this project, I need to assess Crossrail’s future performance, using breakeven...

I am requesting a freedom of information requested from Crossrail LTD in accordance with the freedom of information act 2000. We request the following information. Please send, 1. Any and...

1) How many advertisements paid for or sponsored by Russia Today have been placed on TFL property in a) 2016, b) 2017, c) 2018? 2) How much money has TFL received from Russia Today in exchange...