
17980 requests found

If you have a question regarding your ongoing request, please email [email protected]

Please can I have the following information: Registration number: Make: Model: Of all vehicles currently registered as a Taxi, Hackney Carriage or for Private Hire.

Follow on from FOI-1497-1718. Would it be possible to have the table at the end of this request updated to 2017-2018 please

Could you please advise from the list of schemes below is it possible to obtain their exact location – maps or description

This is a request for information about Crossrail, but since Crossrail Ltd is now a subsidiary of TfL I have directed my request here. If this is not the correct venue for such requests, kindly...

Do you know if TfL holds GIS shapefiles/layers of bus routes for the whole network? and bus stops? if so, would it be possible to have these supplied to me for my research?

I understand that the Gerrard report setting out possible cot savings for Crossrail 2 has now been completed. I should like to see a copy

I was reading your Central London Termini Report (September 2011) (link attached below). At page 28 you provide information about onward journeys. For the period 2015 to present for central...

Please can you provide me with current (25th October 2018) car line diagrams (CLDs). These would be for non-commercial use. Please attach a method of having these in commercial use

I am requesting information/pricing on the rents that are charged to the outdoor advertisers for doing advertising on the bus shelters. I would like to see the data for the last 5 years in order...

The Mayor’s response to Question 2018/2612 dated 19 October 2018 … specifically identifies the "executive...