In accordance to the Freedom of Information act, please provide all payments made from TfL to consultants, contractors, architects and engineering firms in relation to the development of the...
Hello Please provide TFL’s input into the DPIA for facial recognition technology at King’s Cross. Please also provide any other relevant information you hold relating to the introduction of...
I request copies of internal delay reports and associated documentation for incidents of delays on the Piccadilly Line on Eastbound trains headed to Rayners Lane on the morning of Monday 10th...
I am aware of your transparency data, showing job titles, descriptions and salary ranges for various jobs over 50k, as found in another FOI request and at this website Please...
To whom it may concern, - Could you please let me know how many adverts promoting alcoholic beverages are shared (on a yearly basis) on the TfL network ? - Would you please share the yearly...
I am looking to find out how many fines were issued to drivers who have been into the ULEZ without paying the fee they should have, since it came into operation. If possible, please let us know...
Bus stop 'MP - Tunnel Avenue' located in the Royal Borough of Greenwich has been closed for some time, with the closure notice on the bus stop indicating that this is for safety reasons. Could...
Dear Transport for London, Please can you explain when the decision was made to convert the female toilets into unisex toilets at Ealing Broadway Station? Are there any other stations managed...
I ask if you did surveys and studies of how having these newer, bigger, faster trains on the tracks would affect the local area, and if so, I would like to see a copy.
I have seen from a poster that the Ladies toilets at Ealing Broadway station have been closed. There will no longer be a single-sex toilet provision for Ladies at this station. I would like to...