Dear TfL, Your report on the 2017 consultation regarding CS9 (now Cycleway 9) helpfully breaks down responses by postcode. Can you supply a breakdown by gender of respondents? If not for the...
Hello, I would like to request a copy of the data used to generate the map on page 8 of the February 2017 'Transport Classification of Londoners (TCoL)' report (
1. Since the start of ULEZ, how many drivers have been issued with FPNs up until the 31st August (please break this down month by month)? 2. Out of these drivers, how many appealed to TFL on...
Please provide me with number of PCN has been issued by TFL to drivers who even had online account but because of unreliable TFL website still issued and they might or might not appeal against...
Please could you provide me with all of the Metroline route 209 schedules from 2019 if possible please as these are no longer available on your website due to change of operator recently.
Dear sir or madam. I have one question about page 79 in your Customer service and operational performance report
Under the Freedom of Information act please could I request a full list of all the sub-contractors/suppliers that are or have been involved on the Old Street Roundabout Improvements under the...
Dear Sir Madam, Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request a copy of the mandatory customer satisfaction survey, which must be carried out every six months by an independant...
1, How many individuals have received a PCN for travelling into ULEZ in London? 2, How many individuals have made successful representations following a PCN issued for driving into ULEZ in London...
Under the freedom of information act can you please supply me with the following information. what fees TFL are charged through their merchant account by their processing bank for customers...