
17980 requests found

If you have a question regarding your ongoing request, please email [email protected]

Please would you provide a list of all motorbike manufacturers, models and years that have gained individual exemption to the ULEZ charges having provided manufacturer certificate of conformity....

On January 14th TfL hosted a Taxi Age Limits Workshop. Please forward to me all minutes, audio recordings, contemporaneous notes as well all related correspondence concerning this meeting.

Please can I request the number of complaints from homes in Camden about London Underground noise in their homes and what line it links to please from March 2017 to March 2019.

Can you share the recorded document forms that ( in word or pdf or any other format you have) TFL uses for the following :- 1) When TFL purchases a new business car, what check list forms does...

Please provide an update of the figures provided under FOI-1143-1718 (copied below) covering: tube track replacement expenditure information for the period since August 2017 and the projected...

Could you please supply me with any documents relating to the Taxi Delicensing and LPG Conversion grant schemes recently announced on the TFL website? I am trying to establish how these decisions...

The May 2017 Night Tube QR map and the July 2017 QR London Overground and Night Tube map

Hello, I am looking to find out how many fines were issued to drivers who went into the ULEZ on the 1st day of its operation (April 8) without paying the fee they should have. If possible, please...

Revised request: FOI-2601-1819: Could you provide me with the the last four complete recording periods, from 16 September 2018 to 5 January 2019 (periods 7 to 10 on your table below). To confirm...

Dear Transport for London, I'd like to know how many fines were issued to drivers not paying the ULEZ charge in the first week of it's implementation? If possible, can you divide the data by...