
18354 requests found

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I wish to raise a complaint and for TFL to fully respond to questions regarding a sudden, previously unannounced termination of service of a night bus (N11) today, Monday 26/8/19. How many similar...

Re. Development at 747-759 & 765-775 Old Kent Road, London, SE15 1NZ & Land at Devonshire Grove SE15 (Southwark Council Planning Application: 19/AP/1239) Requests info including correspondence...

I am writing to you in order to make a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I would like to know: A) The total number of reported incidents of physical and verbal...

I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from Transport from London: How many people gave birth in the London underground/overground...

1. The number of complaints received regarding noise levels on the London Underground broken down by year from 2015 to 2019. If possible, separate complaints between staff and others (i.e. members...

Good afternoon, I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, concerning the following questions. 1) How many acres of land owned by TFL are completely undeveloped? 2) Since...

1. CRL Document Number C422-LAO-C-RGN-N105_WS089-5005, dated 14/11/2016. 2. EWN reference 387, dated 12/12/2016 (potentially but not necessarily in Crossrail's Environmental Management System) 3....

1) The number of accidents involving "Boris Bikes"/Santander Cycles since the scheme began Could you break this information down by calendar year and by accident type - fatal, serious, incident....

How many have been diverted since the new timetable?

For the period of January 2019 to December 2019 please provide data on how many occasions LUL stations were unstaffed by LUL licensed staff for a period of 30mins or longer. In total, taking...