Comments: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REQUEST gender split in tube drivers How many male tube drivers How many female tube drivers
I would like to know who exactly "Anita" is? Do you have her full name and what voice over company she worked for? Any information would be appreciated? If you are not already aware "Anita"...
Good morning, I manage a project for Imperial College London called INHALE which aims to study the impact of air pollution on individuals health in an urban environment.
Hi I live in Hackney E5 and I would like to know if the government will put new cameras to catch the cars which are not ulez Compliance or thy will use the existing ones, and were will thy...
Dear Sir/Madam, Could you please provide the following information regarding LU Rail Grinding department. Who are the current contractors? What type of services are provided by each contractor? Have...
Please provide me with data from any traffic enabled SCXOOT from the roads in and around Hackney. This to include the following junctions: Clapton Road and Lea Bridge road Lea Bridge road...
Dear Transport for London, Please could you provide the breakdown of the 100km of new or upgraded cycle lanes delivered in the past 12 months? (See
Please provide me with dat from any traffic enabled SCOOT from roads in and around Hackney, this to include junctions of roads: Cambridge Heath rd and Hackney Road Old Street and City Road Old...
Please provide the tender specifications for the following routes from the 2021 tendering programme with the ITTs issued on the following dates: 507 - 09/03/2020 521 - 09/03/2020 160 - 11/05/2020 180...
I am writing to ask whether it is possible for me to receive copies of the following documents which TfL presented in evidence to the 2014 Planning Inquiry about the TWAO TFL 2 TFL 3 TFL 4 TFL...