
17564 requests found

If you have a question regarding your ongoing request, please email [email protected]

Are there plans in place to install better systems or improve/upgrade anything existing? Are current systems maintained/cleaned/inspected regularly? Are checks done on air quality to measure...

I would like to request under the freedom of information act a map of cameras for the ULEZ extension zone Specifically the area E14

Please can you provide the annual number of public complaints related to graffiti on trains. I would like information covering the past 35 years; therefore, please can you provide any data from...

Could you please give me a breakdown of each project awarded a Walking and Cycling Grant from 2016 to 2020 and the amount each project received.

I note you have sent me the PDF which is already on the council website. Is that correct? I am note sure why my questions needed to be referred to an FOPI request when the data was already...

Please can TfL provide whatever records exist from the earliest available date of total pedestrian footfall on the A40 Westway.

Please could you supply me a copy of the Line Emergency Plan for the northern line. This is a document that can be obtained and sent to me digitally. It may contain plans but I believe there...

Hi, is it possible to have the monthly or weekly passenger numbers for Canary Wharf underground station? Ideal time period would be all of 2019, 2020 and up to the latest data you have for 2021....

Dear Sir, Please could you let me have the minutes of the meeting when they described your proposed plans floating bus stops as 'turds' ? I have a few pages but not the whole document. Thanks.

Please can you provide any data you have regarding the yearly number of graffiti offences on TFL trains over the past 35 years. Ideally, I would like to see data held from 1985 onward or as far...