
17980 requests found

If you have a question regarding your ongoing request, please email [email protected]

I would like to request under the freedom of information act a map of cameras for the ULEZ extension zone. It is already in place (ref:Request ID: FOI-0975-2122) and I am assuming that they are...

I would like to request under the freedom of information act a map of cameras for the ULEZ extension zone Specifically the area W4 post code. I have searched part posts and an excel spreadsheet...

In 2019, major changes commenced with Central London Bus Routes. Following my above statement, could you please answer the following; 1) Will there (in due course) be a consultation launched...

Under the Freedom Of Information Act 2000 i am requesting a full list of all short platforms at, London Underground, London Overground, TFL Rail, Docklands Light Railway, stations. This list...

I understand a petition provided with signatures from residents of Cornwall Gardens regarding vibrations from the nearby District Line wasn’t accepted by TFL. Instead, you asked residents to...

Follow-up to FOI-1384-2122: I understand the time you need to make a response accordingly I would like to proceed with this request to cover my email of yesterday and some additional items. We...

Can you please let me have a full list of all exact postcodes that fall within the newly expanded ULEZ.

Please publish your calculated estimate of the annual percentage reduction in NOX obtained by excluding pre-Euro4 petrol vehicles from the ULEZ and replacing them all by the same number of Euro4+...

Follow-up to 1506-2122: Thank you very much for your kind reply and deliver of the information. Just an additional inquiry, I was trying to access the Crossrail Project Development Agreement...

mM query relates to the A23 Purley Way, Croydon, on a half-mile section of this road (800 metres), starting at the junction of where the A23 crosses Highfield Road/Edghill Road, CR82 and in a...