FOI request detail

Penalty Charge Notices - Parking Bay in Watford Way

Request ID: FOI-1646-2122
Date published: 24 November 2021

You asked

Follow-up to FOI-1384-2122: I understand the time you need to make a response accordingly I would like to proceed with this request to cover my email of yesterday and some additional items. We can agree that the 198 PCNs issued outside 5-7 Watford Way, were defective in the sense there were no parking restriction signage during the period 20 May 2021 and 20 July 2021 and hence the PCNs were invalid. Under the FOI please provide the following information: 1. Of the 198 defective PCN’s how many innocent drivers paid the penalty without challenge, and how much money did TFL receive from them? 2. Of the 198 defective PCN’s how many innocent drivers appealed to TFL? 3. Of those appealing to TFL how many were successful? 4. Of those appealing to TFL how many were not successful? 5. Of those that were not successful with their appeals to TFL, how many paid the penalty without resorting to a tribunal and how much money did TFL receive from these people? 6. Of those that were not successful with their appeal to TFL, how many took their case to the tribunal to adjudicate? 7. Of those appealing to the tribunal how many were successful, and how many were not? 8. How many of those that were not successful with the adjudicator paid their penalty and how much in total did TFL receive from these motorists 9. How many motorists that received a defective PCN have not paid and have TFL written to them that the PCN is cancelled?

We answered

TfL Ref: FOI-1646-2122

Thank you for your further email of 28th October 2021 asking for information about Penalty Charge Notices issued in relation to a parking bay on Watford Way, NW4.

Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy. 

I can confirm that we hold the information you require. Your questions are answered in turn below. Note that in order to challenge a penalty the recipient must first submit a representation to us. If the representation is accepted the penalty is cancelled. If we reject the representation the motorist has a further right of appeal to an Independent Adjudicator at London Tribunals.

Question 1: Of the 198 defective PCN’s how many innocent drivers paid the penalty without challenge, and how much money did TFL receive from them?

Answer: We received 134 payments without challenge to a value of £10,546.

Question 2: Of the 198 defective PCN’s how many innocent drivers appealed to TFL?

Answer: We received 48 representations against the 198 PCNs issued.

Question 3: Of those appealing to TFL how many were successful?

Answer: 29 representations were accepted.

Question 4: Of those appealing to TFL how many were not successful?

Answer: 12 representations were rejected. Note that 7 representations remain outstanding.

Question 5: Of those that were not successful with their appeals to TFL, how many paid the penalty without resorting to a tribunal and how much money did TFL receive from these people?

Answer: 9 PCNs were paid at this stage at a total value of £585

Question 6: Of those that were not successful with their appeal to TFL, how many took their case to the tribunal to adjudicate?

Answer: Of the 12 representations rejected, 3 appeals were submitted to London Tribunals.

Question 7: Of those appealing to the tribunal how many were successful, and how many were not?

Answer: All 3 were allowed, found in favour of the appellant.

Question 8: How many of those that were not successful with the adjudicator paid their penalty and how much in total did TFL receive from these motorists

Answer: Not applicable as no appeals were refused.

Question 9: How many motorists that received a defective PCN have not paid and have TFL written to them that the PCN is cancelled?

Answer: None.

If this is not the information you are looking for please do not hesitate to contact me.

Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal as well as information on copyright and what to do if you would like to re-use any of the information we have disclosed.

Yours sincerely,

David Wells
FOI Case Officer
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London


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