
17564 requests found

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I request the information as to how many traffic violations that vehicles have been issued with for ignoring the road changes that were introduced to the Streetspaces/CS7 along the A24 in Colliers...

Dear FOI, Both responses were not what I was asking for. I asked for a list of Active stands that were not used as part of scheduled journies. The first response gave me a lot of withdrawn...

As a rail enthusiast, could I please see documents for: - The speed limits of each section of track on the Underground - Signal diagrams or other signal-related documents from the Northern and...

When did it happen that all bus stops operate as 'Request' even though the roundels remain as 'Compulsory'? The same when wanting to get off a bus - one has to ring the bell, even though the...

Hi. I would like access to a 1992 stock train guide, and a list of all the possible destinations in the TMS on the Central Line. If you could supply me with the file and list, that would be...

I would like to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000; When was the road(Old Street) boarded for construction from Old street roundabout up to O/S Fire station and after...

1. Please could you tell me how many complaints of racism in relation to words used or behaviour exhibited were made against your employees in (i) 2018/19, (ii) 2019/20, (iii) 2020/21 and (iv)...

In 2017, how many complaints were made to TFL about London cab drivers refusing service to wheelchair users? In 2018, how many complaints were made to TFL about London cab drivers refusing service...

Who uses and what is the building at (51.5537834, -0.4509776) between Hillingdon station and the A40 used for. Is it rented out or used by TfL? I can see it is freehold TfL land

Can you please share the data behind the "Mortality burden of air pollution by wards in Greater London, 2019" chart on page 4 of TfL-commissioned report "London Health Burden of Current Air...