
17564 requests found

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Dear TfL, In accordance with FOI I would like to request the following: 1. A spreadsheet of data for each day of August and September 2023 with the number of daily TfL train and bus boardings...

Follow-up to FOI-2919-2324: Thanks for the info supplied. You illustrated a scenario on how a non-complaint registration transfer to a complaint vehicle with data update delay. Can you please...

Could you please share details (including supporting data) of any consideration/evaluation of the installation/ trial of CycloCable, Trampe Bicycle Lift or and other bicycle lifts in the area...

The SERU assessment was introduced on 1st October 2021 by TFL. From this date new and existing PCO needed to complete the SERU test. I would like to know how many Private Hire Drivers there...

Dear Sir/Madam, We write to request street work history in the below Location. 50-60 Ridgway Place, London, SW19 4SW Virgin Media seeks information on which Utility/contractor had an opening...

Follow-up to FOI-2744-2324: Thank you for your response. I would like to revise my request as follows: 1. During the full calendar year of 2022 (OR the 2022/23 financial year), what is the total...

Dear Sir/Madam, I hope this letter finds you well. Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I am writing to request information regarding the technology and management of Transport for...

Further to FOI-0317-2324: Thanks for the below information. Can we please re-request under a FOI request for the data up to the end of the year (or the latest data available once picked up)

Dear TfL, Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I request the following information: 1. The average time interval between 493 buses leaving from Richmond to Tooting St George's Hospital...

I am writing to you today to request information and proof regarding the cessation of the use of asbestos on your Underground trains. Also to add If possible I would like to request some specific...