
17564 requests found

If you have a question regarding your ongoing request, please email [email protected]

Please disclose the daily diary of the current Walking and Cycling Commissioner, Will Norman, from the date of his appointment to the date of this request.

How many fixed penalty notices were given out for the offence of entering and stopping in a box junction when prohibited at the junction of Great Cambridge Road / Bullsmoor Lane on 17/05/2017...

you should give out the principles to be followed when calculating the maximum amount to be claimed for damage to Crown Property when the Provider is pursuing a claim against any third party...

Dear TfL, I understand TfL is currently delivering a project to implement BIM (Building Information Modelling) or equivalent in its Surface Transport division. Please may the business case...

Please could you provide me with information about: 1. Which models of bus (make, model no.) were in use on the following routes: C2, 134, 214, 393, 29, 253 2. How many of each model were...

In taxi & private hire financial summary 2015/2016 there shows an inter company expenditure of £4,5m, I would be obliged if you could supply me a breakdown of that figure & to whom payments were...

I hope you’re well. I’d like to get a copy of the section 39 (Road Traffic Act 1988) report for the 2008 bus and tram crash in George Street.

In the meanwhile, I will also refine my search to the emails sent and received by one employee, Paul Smithers, relating to the chauffeur companies PCS Events ltd, also known as PCS, and its...

would it be possible to obtain some information under the freedom of information act 2002 i would like if possible a copy of all announcements

TFL Taxi Management purport that the legal basis requiring display of Identifier on windscreen and rear window of Black Cab Taxi is by virtue of Section 28 and 28A of the London Cab Order 1934....