FOI request detail

RED ROUTE yellow box fines

Request ID: FOI-0474-2122
Date published: 24 June 2021

You asked

1. How many fines itemised 1-3 have been issued between 1st January 2021 to 6th June 2021 and how many were 1. paid within 21 days 2. 28days or 3. after 28days 4. not at all 5. How many appealed 6. How many appeals were successful? Photos are taken from London road network camera showing the vehicle (1. car 2. Van sized medium to large 3. Bus) affected by this PCN. Entering and stopping in a box junction when prohibited Contravention location PURLEY WAY A23/ CROYDON RD A232 Turning left from the lights at Pets at Home allows 5 seconds. During that time the congestion means it is impossible to turn left because the traffic light on Waddon bridge is always RED for the few seconds we have to turn left into the yellow box because there is a delay of a few seconds for traffic to move over Waddon Bridge. The request is made to look into the delays caused by the Red light and the timing that causes a vehicle to end up in the yellow box for the few seconds needed for the traffic to move after turning left from opposite Croydon Road. 9 out of 10 times you will never be able to turn left. 2. The same request as in 1. for the following 2 locations Tesco Purley A22 / A23 Roundabout 3 yellow boxes Brighton Road and Purley Roundabout 3. Same request as in 1 above, Brighton Road South Croydon 4 yellow box junctions Outside and around the roundabout outside the Recycling centre at Recycling centre Purley Oaks, Brighton Road, South Croydon CR8 2BG 4. Who is responsible for painting the faded yellow lines in Box junctions in the Croydon/Purley area by name department and address/email. 5. When were the yellow lines last painted at each of the locations above? 6. What is the process for reporting faded yellow lines in box junctions in the TfL area? 7. Who monitors and reviews traffic flow in the 3 areas mentions above? e.g. the effect of traffic light changes on congestion and traffic flow over yellow junction boxes and causes?

We answered

TfL Ref: FOI-0474-2122

Thank you for your request received by Transport for London (TfL) on 8th June 2021 asking for information about Red Route yellow box Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs).

Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy. 

I can confirm that we hold some of the information you require. Your questions are answered in turn below:

Question 1.  How many fines itemised 1-3 have been issued between 1st January 2021 to 6th June 2021 and how many were 1. paid within 21 days 2. 28days or 3. after 28days 4. not at all 5. How many appealed 6. How many appeals were successful?  

Photos are taken from London road network camera showing the vehicle (1. car 2. Van sized medium to large 3. Bus) affected by this PCN.

Entering and stopping in a box junction when prohibited

Contravention location


Turning left from the lights at Pets at Home allows 5 seconds. During that time the congestion means it is impossible to turn left because the traffic light on Waddon bridge is always RED for the few seconds we have to turn left into the yellow box because there is a delay of a few seconds for traffic to move over Waddon Bridge.

The request is made to look into the delays caused by the Red light and the timing that causes a vehicle to end up in the yellow box for the few seconds needed for the traffic to move after turning left from opposite Croydon Road. 9 out of 10 times you will never be able to turn left.

Answer: When a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) is issued for a contravention on the Transport for London Road Network it is payable at £130. If it is paid within 14 days of the date of issue the rate is discounted to £65. If no payment is received within 28 days a Charge Certificate is issued increasing the penalty to £195.

In order to challenge a penalty the recipient must first submit a representation to us. If the representation is accepted the penalty is cancelled. If we reject the representation the motorist has a further right of appeal to an Independent Adjudicator at London Tribunals.

There were a total of 142 PCNs issued during this timeframe for contraventions of this yellow box. We do not hold this information broken down into the 3 vehicle categories requested.

Please see below for a breakdown of when the penalties were paid. Of the remaining PCNs 38 remain open and 1 was cancelled.
PCN Status PCNs paid
Paid at £195 2
Paid at £65 101
Grand Total 103

Of the 142 PCNs issued, we received 16 representations. Of these 8 have been rejected, 5 have been accepted and 3 are awaiting a decision.

Question 2.  The same request as in 1. for the following 2 locations

Tesco Purley A22 / A23 Roundabout 3 yellow boxes Brighton Road and Purley Roundabout

Answer: There were no PCNs issued for contraventions of these box junctions during the requested time period.

Question 3.  Same request as in 1 above, Brighton Road South Croydon 4 yellow box junctions Outside and around the roundabout outside the Recycling centre at Recycling centre Purley Oaks, Brighton Road, South Croydon CR8 2BG.

Answer: TfL does not hold this information as this is not a road on the Transport for London Road Network (TLRN - see here for more information The request should be directed to the local borough.

Question 4. Who is responsible for painting the faded yellow lines in Box junctions in the Croydon/Purley area by name department and address/email.

Answer: The South Area Asset Operations team within TfL. Our contact details are provided on our website here:  The specific address for streets and road issues is:  

Question 5. When were the yellow lines last painted at each of the locations above?
  • PURLEY WAY / CROYDON RD – last remarked on 12/11/2018
  • PURLEY RD / WHYTECLIFFE RD (SOUTH BOX) – on installation date 28/09/2020
  • PURLEY RD / WHYTECLIFFE RD (NORTH BOX) – on installation date 28/09/2020
  • PURLEY RD / BRIGHTON RD - on installation date 28/09/2020

Question 6. What is the process for reporting faded yellow lines in box junctions in the TfL area?

Answer: Defects are reported by our inspectors and TfL’s on street officers, after which any resolutions are planned, scheduled and carried out. Members of the public can report faded markings at:  

Question 7. Who monitors and reviews traffic flow in the 3 areas mentions above? e.g. the effect of traffic light changes on congestion and traffic flow over yellow junction boxes and causes?

Answer: TfL’s Network Operations team monitors and reviews areas which are part of the TLRN. Any issues identified are raised and resolved in the appropriate way.

If this is not the information you are looking for please do not hesitate to contact me.

Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal as well as information on copyright and what to do if you would like to re-use any of the information we have disclosed.

Yours sincerely,

David Wells
FOI Case Officer
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London


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