The London Dial-a-Ride app

Our London Dial-a-Ride mobile app means you can book and manage your journeys from a smartphone.

We've made it as accessible and as easy to use as possible.

And we haven't changed our telephone booking system - you can still book by phone if you prefer.

Plan your journeys

  • Book trips on the same day as well as in advance
  • Cancel trips with ease
  • See live information to track the status of your current or upcoming journeys
  • Get real-time messages about delays or updated arrival times


The London Dial-a-Ride app includes features to meet specific needs. These include fonts, backgrounds and audio options to help people with impaired vision.

Download the app

Download the app on the Apple App Store  Download the app on the Google Play store

How to use the London Dial-a-Ride app

See our step-by-step instructions for downloading, installing and using the app.