Further to my previous request about the number of vehicle on your ulez compliancy database, you responded there were 67,654,005. Can you confirm this is the actual figure as it seems very high,...
As of 27 April 2023, how many new Private Hire License applications are awaiting assessment and what is the average waiting time for a new Private Hire License application to undergo assessment.
Is every vehicle deemed as non compliant for the ulez if you hold no data on it emissions or compliance status? If you hold no emissions data or can't aquire them. Is it automatically charged...
Follow on from FOI Ref: FOI-3317-2223 TFL do not hold any data on vehicles emissions, only whether they are compliant or not. Questions. 1. How is a vehicle confirmed as being compliant...
Could you please let me know if and when there are any future plans to introduce a new pay per mile scheme for drivers in London
Dear Transport for London, Further to your ref: FOI-3213-2223, please can you provide copies of the following London Buses NOEs (Notice of Events). EP22/35210 New Year's Eve EP23/37709A St...
Correspondence between officers at TfL and the Licensed Taxi Drivers Association (LTDA) concerning taxi tariff review 2023
Dear Transport for London, Please can I have all the current Bus Route Descriptions for routes 1 - 100?
How many penalty charge notices did TfL issue from 27 January 2023 to 30 January 2023 in the parking bay while it was suspended, due to nearby road works ref; TCSR/2023/0027, Parking bay is...
1. The total number of people holding free travel passes from the TFL (excluding pensioner passes). 2. The number of free travel passes broken down as a. TFL Employees b. Employee Nominees c....