
18271 requests found

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1. Since October 25th 2021 - how many vehicles registered in Essex, Herts, Bucks, Berkshire and Great London have been issued with fines for Non-compliance of the ULEZ charge? 2. Can you please...

RE: Roam advert on underground Please also inform me, pursuant to s.1 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000: 1. what decision-making and assessment process by TfL took place of the advert...

Please supply a count of the number of people interchanging between Bethnal Green LO and Whitechapel. The criteria for interchange is touching in at one station within 20 minutes of touching...

05/08/2021 - I would like to ask which stations on the day of the incident were closed. To define closed " Were there stations closed to the public, where public were prevented from entering...

I am xxxxx living in ILford. Recently I started a digital service company. To develop a mobile app, I am unable to find the below data in the APIs which is essential to build the application....

Under the Freedom of Information Act, grateful if you could provide me with a copy of the following: • All correspondence between TfL and Royal Borough of Kingston since 1 January 2021 relating...

Please provide a breakdown of each London Underground trains depot overtime cost for Trains Managers for the current financial year to date and also the previous financial year. If possible...

I would like to know how much has been spent or will be spent each month in 2022 and 2023 (including forecasts or budgeted amounts) on advertising relating to the proposed ULEZ expansion. In...

May you please provide me with the bus routes in ESRI compatible format?

Follow-on from FOI-2649-2223: - I require information on incidents where liability was accepted in 2022; - the request is for whatever you capture the information in (i.e. if you do 2022 calendar...