Number of people interchanging between Bethnal Green and Whitechapel
Request ID: FOI-3013-2223 Date published: 08 March 2023
You asked
Please supply a count of the number of people interchanging between Bethnal Green LO and Whitechapel. The criteria for interchange is touching in at one station within 20 minutes of touching out at the other. Please supply details for any recent 28-day period.
I would like the count broken down by direction, day, and whether the passenger was using PAYG, or had a travelcard covering zone 2 (including holders of freedom passes, 60+ Oysters or any other concessionary pass).
We answered
TfL Ref: FOI-3031-2223
Thank you for your request which we received on 14 February 2023, asking for the number of people interchanging between Bethnal Green LO and Whitechapel.
Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy. I can confirm that we hold the information you require.
Please find attached two spreadsheets with counts of people interchanging between Bethnal Green and Whitechapel in each direction. The 28 day range is from 18-01-2023 to 14-02-2023.
If this is not the information you are looking for, or if you are unable to access it for any reason, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal as well as information on copyright and what to do if you would like to re-use any of the information we have disclosed.
Yours sincerely
Eva Hextall FOI Case Management Team General Counsel Transport for London