
17980 requests found

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The Taxi and Private Hire Vehicles (Disabled Persons) Act 2022 places a duty on TfL to "maintain and publish" lists of designated (ie wheelchair accessible) taxis and Private Hire Vehicles. In...

follow up from 0463-2324 - Is it possible to have the totals per year or the published passenger KM these relate to.

Could you provide the total number of vehicles travelling in the ULEZ zone each month from 8 April 2019 to 8 April 2023. Please also provide the breakdown of ULEZ compliant vs non-ULEZ compliant...

Follow-up to FOI-0256-2324: Regarding the remaining questions, my request was without any intention of being vexatious and I have just wanted to have a clearer picture of events and decisions...

I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Specifically, I am interested in obtaining information regarding how much money bailiff companies profit from unpaid...

Please provide all the TFL BAU Company Counsel meeting notes, minutes and management scripts from May, August, September and December 2017.

Dear Sir or Madam, I would like to obtain information about the speed camera on the A502 Rosslyn Hill, London NW3 (near Shepherds Walk), which I believe is a camera maintained by TfL. Between...

I'd like to please know per year since it was introduced how many ULEZ fines have been referred/sold on to a debt collection/bailiff type company to help TFL collect the unpaid charge and fines....

Wandsworth recently announced that it wants to become a sanctuary for refugees. Can you please let me know where this policy has come from, has central Labour Party dictated this or another...

To whom it may concern, I would like to make a request under the freedom of information act. I am interested in the procurement process for the detailed design of the Blackwall Tunnel southbound...