
19686 requests found

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Follow-on from FOI-4344-2324 : Many thanks for your email and I understand. Please could you focus your effort on Points 1, 4, 8 and 10 which should be data that is relatively easily accessible....

Also I would like to know how many fines have been issued from the new bus lane which also I believe does not have a road sign. Can this be requested under the freedom of information act? A210,ELTHAM...

When will 325 get new buses, Also will you improve regulating services on this bus route to be more often.

Temperature & Relative Humidity Data (City Road Ventilation Shaft) I am a student at the University of Sheffield and am wondering if you would be able to supply the dry/wet bulb temperatures...

Dear TFL, Please may I have the bus announcements for routes 83 and 183 please. Thanks,

Dear TfL Can you please provide the following information relating to the 281 bus route: The number of buses that have been curtailed between Surbiton and Tolworth in the past three years....

I hope this finds you well. I am reaching out to inquire about the possibility of obtaining specific data from this report on the 165 enhanced tube stations (on pages 14-17). The details we are...

Dear Transport for London, Obviously this brutal proposal to achieve double decker buses movement north-south would be a local area disaster for residents given rail lines and would take Severance...

Where are your statistics showing that this junction is an extreme cyclist accident risk, compared to any other major junction in London? Cyclists are already separated by a cut through lane...

Requests: 3) can you please provide me with detailed information that the camera used in this contravention is on the approved list to be used to capture moving traffic offences. 4) all operators...