
17980 requests found

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I request the number of times TfL ran the course stated in the FOI request FOI-1155-1617 in which training materials used on the courses are described in the “New RPI course FOI 1155 1617 Redacted...

"How many motorists were issued a penalty charge notice (PCN) in contravention of congestion charge offence on (1) Southark Bridge Road between the junction of Southark Bridge Road with Marshalsea...

I request the total number of Freedom of Information request per year and the total cost to TfL in the format year / number of requests / total cost to TfL. From currently public available information...

Dear Information Compliance Office In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 I would like to request access to information which I believe is held by Transport for London (TFL)....

I would be most grateful if you would provide me, under the Freedom of Information Act, details in respect of the following framework agreement(s)/contract(s): • Suppliers who applied for inclusion...

Hello, Could you tell me who/which companies have applied for a PHV Operator Licence in London in the last 12 months? Can you also tell me whether their applications were ultimately granted or...

I request the paper trail for passes that are confiscated by Revenue Protection Inspectors, like in the big red book page 125 mentions Pass Withdrawal Envelopes for bus drivers, are records kept...

We require a FOI into records of phone calls from TFL to Uber.We require the number of phone calls made to Uber from TFL for October 2014

I request the following facts and figures 1. Average hourly/annual pay for female prosecutors/investigators and average hourly/annual pay for male prosecutors/investigators in the enforcement...

How many accidents have there been in London in the last 5 years between a pedestrian and (i) TfL buses and (ii) taxis (iii) other vehicles? Of those accidents, how many have been fatal and...