
17980 requests found

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Further to the press release from the Mayor of London I would like to request, under the Freedom of Information Act, a map showing the extent/boundaries of the proposed low emission bus zone...

I would be obliged if you could supply me with the corespondence sent to HMRC by TFL regarding uber

• How many ground transport vehicles including buses, vans and trucks does TFL own, manage and run in London? • What percentages are run on petrol, diesel, hybrid and electric? • What is TFL's...

Please can you provide me with a PDF version of all Trains Funcional Council and Trains Health and Safety council minutes from 2009.

Referring to the request : FOI-1276-1516 I have a request related to the entries and exit data for all tube stations. With the data representing the counts throughout everyday of a year. You...

I am an Architecture student at Newcastle University working on a Graduation project proposing to increase the public realm within the Bank Of England Building. In order to develop this project,...

Please provide details of how you will be measuring these objectives. Where it says "more" please provide statistics for before the objectives were put in place, what they are now and what they...

I have a few questions on the failed touch ins/outs 1) in 2016, how many oyster card and contactless users failed to touch in or out and were charged the emergency/maximum fare? (Please split...

1) Please can you confirm what hours the droning will last and what the decibel level is? 2) Please can you confirm whether there is any restriction on number of hours / cumulative noise or...

Please would you provide the following information in relation to camera reference T795 in the London Congestion Charging Zone by month, from January 2015 to December 2016 inclusive: 1. The number...