
19638 requests found

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Can you let me know the number of cancelled trains you have had since 01.01.2018 and the same for the whole of 2017

What is the single and total cost of retests for vehicle licensing for Taxis?

Please may I have details of the income derived from, Oyster Card software, "both the IPR and software to operators and integrators across the world creating an important income source"

Hi, I would like to get the figures of tickets sales that TfL is making directly via the oyster online website (amount and proportions compared to other channels of sales). Also could I get...

* Please disclose the five most expensive advertising/marketing campaigns by TfL in 2017; * Please provide a breakdown showing the spend on each, with a further breakdown of the cost for each,...

Copies of all correspondence TFL has received and sent concerning the 'please hold on' bus message and any reports it has written. If privacy concerns are to be used to refuse some parts of this...

I would like to be provided with statistics showing 1. How many registered taxi's there are currently in London 2. How many of those taxi's are currently 'zero emissions capable' (as defined...

What companies do TFL use to supply vending machines to stations?

Copies of all complaints TFL has received about its 'thought of the day' messages since January 2016. If privacy concerns are to be used to refuse some parts of this request I ask that personal...

f/ON FROM foi-2234-1718 There was only one question out of many which related to Islington and that was an error. I wanted to know about TFL's policies and staff.