FOI request detail

Contracts for Services (facilities and property management)

Request ID: FOI-2630-1617
Date published: 19 July 2017

You asked

On the 28 April 2012, two five year contracts for services came into effect whereby Vinci Construction (UK) Limited t/a Vinci Facilities would provide facilities and property management services to Transport for London and London Underground Limited. Contract for Services to London Underground Limited Contract for Services to Transport for London Question 1: Are the terms of those contracts still in effect? Is Vinci Construction (UK) Limited (t/a Vinci Facilities) still providing services for Transport for London and London Underground Limited? If not, why not? (the contracts are still within the specified five year period) Question 2: If not, when did the contracts cease? When did Vinci Construction (UK) Limited (t/a Vinci Facilities) cease to provide services for Transport for London and London Underground Limited? Question 3: Further to question 2, who currently manages those contracts (or any new contracts (facilities and property management))? When did they commence the provision of services? And when will this end? Question 4: Further to question 1, the terms in the contracts state that there is an option to extend the contracts for two further 18 month periods. Will the contracts be extended following the five year expiry date? And for how long? Question 5: If not, who has been awarded the new five year contracts for services for Transport for London and London Underground Limited? And when will those contracts come into effect? If the two contracts for services for Vinci Construction (UK) Limited t/a Vinci Facilities (as disclosed on are no longer in effect or up to date, please disclose up to date (effective) completed / signed Contracts for Services (facilities and property management) to Transport for London and London Underground Limited.

We answered

TfL Ref: FOI-2630-1617


Thank you for your email received by us on 27 March 2017 asking for information about contracts for services. I apologise for the delay in my response.


Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our Information Access Policy. I can confirm we hold some of the information you require. You asked:


Question 1: Are the terms of those contracts still in effect? Is Vinci Construction (UK) Limited (t/a Vinci Facilities) still providing services for Transport for London and London Underground Limited? If not, why not? (the contracts are still within the specified five year period)


Question 2: If not, when did the contracts cease? When did Vinci Construction (UK) Limited (t/a Vinci Facilities) cease to provide services for Transport for London and London Underground Limited?


Both contracts in question remain in place with Vinci Construction (UK) Ltd (t/a Vinci Facilities).


Question 3: Further to question 2, who currently manages those contracts (or any new contracts (facilities and property management))? When did they commence the provision of services? And when will this end?


Commercial contract management remains with Paul Plummer (Senior Commercial Manager).


Question 4: Further to question 1, the terms in the contracts state that there is an option to extend the contracts for two further 18 month periods. Will the contracts be extended following the five year expiry date? And for how long?


Both contracts are to be extended until 24 June 2017.


Question 5: If not, who has been awarded the new five year contracts for services for Transport for London and London Underground Limited? And when will those contracts come into effect?


The following contracts have been let:


  • Fire Protection – pan TfL – 25 June 2017 – Engie Services Limited

  • Mechanical and Electrical – London Underground – 25 June 2017 - Engie Services Limited

  • Premises and Fabric – London Underground – 25 June 2017 - Lanes Group plc

  • Mechanical and Electrical + Premises and Fabric – Head Office and Surface – 25 June 2017 - Vinci Construction UK Limited

  • Security and Reception- pan TfL – 08 June 2017 - Interserve Facilities Management Limited

  • Cleaning – Still in the tender process

If the two contracts for services for Vinci Construction (UK) Limited t/a Vinci Facilities (as disclosed on are no longer in effect or up to date, please disclose up to date (effective) completed / signed Contracts for Services (facilities and property management) to Transport for London and London Underground Limited.


The contracts as published are in effect and up-to-date. The only change being the expiry date as per question 4 above.


If this is not the information you are looking for, please feel free to contact me.


Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.


Yours sincerely,


Melissa Nichols

FOI Case Officer


FOI Case management Team

General Counsel

Transport for London

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