
17980 requests found

If you have a question regarding your ongoing request, please email [email protected]

I am requesting the CAPITAL matrix (which generates detailed origin/ destination public transportation travel times) between the centroid of every LSOA in Greater London (AM peak times are sufficient)...

have reviewed previous FOI requests/responses and I believe my specific question has not been answered, despite many alluding to the same subject. I would like to know how many payments made...

Complete tfl working timetables for 2018

Can you please tell me when this is due for renewal and how it will be procured?

Hi, is it possible to get the Central Line's speed limits, gradient profiles, curvature profiles and signal locations please? I'm wanting to build it in a virtual simulation.

I would like to know how many incidents occurred between cyclists and London buses in the years 2017, 2016, 2015 and 2014. If this information is available elsewhere, please advise where.

How much money did TfL accumulate from toilet charges at its stations between January and April 2017? (Please provide a breakdown, if possible).

Follow-on from FOI-4252-1718: Please could you confirm how many campaigns Babylon ran for GP at Hand in each month of last year. This was within the bounds of the original request and it is...

To whom it may concern, I work for the Road Safety Markings Association and I am currently looking to increase and expand our engagement with local authorities for our member companies, many...

Please can I have the exact points (that I had numbered as abc etc), on a map referred to in the THE GLA ROADS AND GLA SIDE ROADS (HACKNEY) RED ROUTE CONSOLIDATION TRAFFIC ORDER 2007 items 37...