
17980 requests found

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I therefore require documentary evidence that the camera type used is an 'approved device' and certified as approved by the Department for Transport for PCN's issued under regulation 10 (1) (a)...

I’m interested on the New Tube for London project and I have a couple of questions. 1) Is it definitely going ahead, or has it been forgotten about 2) When are the new trains expected to run...

Please could you provide a spreadsheet with passenger usage figures (within the last 28 days, starting from the latest date you have the data from) for each of the OSIs listed on

Hello, Please can you send me in a .xlsx file with the list of postcodes of the addresses that are located on a red route?

I require data on the accessibility of London Underground, Overground and DLR stations in regards to interchanges - i.e. whether an interchange can only be completed using stairs, escalators...

I wish to enquire as to how often the arrangements between TfL and the Association of Train Operating Companies (ATOC), for reciprocal Staff Travel arrangements, are reviewed. This this on a...

Hi, Please tell me on how many occasions over the past 5 years TfL has taken away the licence of a private hire driver following sexual assault allegations. If more than one allegation was made...

I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from TFL: The total annual cost of the Santander Cycles/Barclays Cycle Hire Scheme. Please...

The date; exact location (GPS, closest road junction or section, whichever you use); speed, and direction of travel of all the speeding tickets issued in the section of road covered by average...

I would like to request explanations of the following acronyms, as used in the TRU and other documents: POM AFM MFM QBM TOM SAF CHD TSID PED SC SCU LCP WAG E2 Gates P gates