
19373 requests found

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Dear Transport for London, Could you please supply me with all details regarding the placement of the new 40mph terminal speed signs on the east bound on ramp at Crittalls corner (towards Ashford...

Dear Sir/Madam I write in regard to the A20 on ramp from Crittalls corner , Kent bound. There is a sign warning of slippery road contions, unfortunately this sign is somewhat obscured by a direction...

The waiting room on the southbound platform at Totteridge and Whetstone is "temporarily closed" (according to a sign on the window). Please disclose: - date the temporary closure began -date...

1. How many people have refused to pay your fine and how much this amounts too. 2. How much money has been spent on chasing people and taking them to court for not paying the fine compared to...

I wish to obtain quarterly information from Q1 2013 to Q4 2023 on passengers travelling on all the main TfL public transport modes (including London Underground, bus, DLR, London Overground,...

Hello Tfl team , I Would to make some enquires about those buses previously mention above if there were some delays on 17 May 2024 between Mid-Morning.

I am writing to you as a regular cyclist who frequently travels along Holloway Road, particularly through the junction with Liverpool Road. I have observed that recent changes to this junction...

I would like a list of all of the junctions on the Docklands Light Railway network, if possible I would like a map to go alongside the junction list or even better if it has junction names on...

Further to your ref: FOI-0763-2425, please can you provide copies of the following London Buses NOEs (Notice of Events). SO24/51613 Starts Hill Road SO24/52305F London Road SO24/52535A Norwood...

TFL is providing a cycle shuttle through the new Silvertown tunnel. There is also the Greenwich foot tunnel nearby which can be used by cyclists. However there is no way for cyclists to use the...