Can you please provide a FULL fleetlist for the London Underground companies.
Follow-on from FOI-1156-1819: Unfortunately, the list shows only a job number but fails to identify the exact locations of the repairs. Also, the post codes shown relate to NW5, whereas I am...
How much money is paid to capita for running the congestion charge? How much money is the capita board paid? How much money is paid back to TFL? How do TFL spend money from the congestion charge? What...
According to the ‘Draft Isle of Dogs and South Poplar Development Infrastructure Funding Study’ dated November 2017 and produced by the GLA the initial infrastructure costs of the Rotherhithe...
Please provide via EIA or FOI details of the scheme being put forward by Enfield Council for the Housing Infrastructure Fund that relats to improving capacity at Meridian Water south to Tottenham...
Dear Sir, Please provide details of how money raised from fines & PCN notices is spent every year for 2015/16/17/18
I write to you on behalf of Central Acton Neighbourhood Forum (CANF), Creffield Area Residents Association (CARA) and Ealing Matters. Andrew Hatch, TFL Community Partnerships Specialist, Public...
Please would you provide the below information for the roles of anyone who processes/ manages/ deals/ advises/ consults (or partly along with their other duties) for: a. Subject Access requests...
Please provide data on how many days of trade union representative release have been allowed for representatives within the Directorate of Network Operations of London Underground Limited in...
Would you please confirm, annually, how many Congestion Auto pay accounts are sent to your external suppliers for collection?