Hello, Please could you release any emails sent or received in the last three months that provide details or decisions on the timetable for introducing Class 710 trains onto the Chingford Branch...
F/on from FOI-0951-1920 Thank you for sending these. The information have really been useful. I appreciate your support. May i ask if there are any Fatigue risk management policies in TfL, LUL,...
Hello, Please could you release any plans / summaries / documents that provide any details about the reason for, timetable and duration of engineering work for 2019 that affects London Overground...
How many buses were taken out of passenger service (number of vehicles) for each of Mon-Fri, Sat and Sun, after the 15 June 2019 changes were implemented? (TfL's reply reference 13498247,dated...
Dear Sir/Madam, I would like to make some additions to a Freedom of Information request made earlier in the week on ULEZ in central London: 1/ Since the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) was launched...
My request relates to work which was carried out by a security firm, Control Risks, for Crossrail. Crossrail has said previously that :“As part of its security planning between 2010 and 2013,...
I am horrified that Enfield failed to provide more information on request, even more concerned that TfL continued to fund the scheme, with politics likely over-riding the good advice of Officers. Please...
Please could TfL provide the brief provided to TfL’s consultant team at the start of the design work for the Rotherhithe to Canary Wharf bridge, including the span to be achieved and the impact...
Over the past six months has TfL held meetings or had correspondence and phone calls with representatives from the following companies: Lyft, Grab, Go-jek or Didi Chuxing? If so, please could...
Statistics for pedestrians injured in collision with cyclists in LBRT for each of the years :- 01/01/16 - 31/12/16 01/01/17- 31/12/17 01/01/18- 31/12/18 The London Boorough of Richmond Upon...