Good morning FOI, London Dial a Ride service. Please declare the following under the Freedom of information act regarding the London Dial a Ride service please thank you. • Please declare the...
FOI-2600-1920 - I would like to make a further Freedom of Information request as to the breakdown of the reasons for issuing the PCNs. In short, how much of the £10.6 million raised by the PCNs...
I would like all the information available on how accessible TFL is for disabled people, please. I would also like all the information on the 5-year plan to make the underground more accessible. I...
I'm after a full-resolution digital copy of the 'Secure beneath the watchful eyes' poster that was in circulation for a while in the 2000s.
hi can your please provide me with todays topographical pass rate as I have come across so many different answers.
How much money did TFL earn from advertising revenue (total) in the last annual recorded annual period (2018/2019, if available) breakdown: How much money was earned from online adverting and...
Please could you kindly provide me with the following information: - Copy of report or any correspondence that outlines the reason for the delays on the Met Line on 21 10 2019, 28 10 2019 and...
As information in the email below seems to be incomplete, can you please provide additional information relating to recruitment of 3 external candidates. A) Can you please let me know if the...
- The number of staff charged with Gross Miscounduct from January 2018 until 22 November 2019. - Of those charged with Gross Miscounduct how many staff appealed the charge. - Of those who...
In line with the data protection act 2018, can I please request annual passenger numbers for the last 10 years for the following river operators; - Circular Cruise - City Cruises - TRS