
17980 requests found

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Dear Sir/Madam I would be grateful if you could provide the following information: (1) Number of permanent full-time employees employed by TfL as a whole over the period 2013-2018 by race,...

Can you please supply the decision making process that lead to the decision to remove the Michael Jackson - Innocent adverts from the London Buses To include who was consulted, who attended...

Dear Transport for London, It is a breach of Freedom of Speech to remove the ‘MJ Innocent’ posters from London buses. As you have previously stated, the posters do not violate any of your policies...

I would like to request the following under the FOI Act. 1) What is the name of the system that your organisation utilise to record data breaches or incidents? 2) Please can I have a copy...

Dear Transport for London, The public would like to have access to all emails, meeting minutes, texts, etc relating to the decision of the removal of the Michael Jackson Innocent ads. Fans donated...

Please can you send me all email correspondence and meeting minutes relating to the decision to remove the MJ Innocent banners.

Dear TfL, I am a Masters Civil Engineering student, and I am requesting information for a local steel foot bridge over the north circular. I believe the bridge is called A406 780. This information...

Black cab drivers keep getting caught fraudulently using disabled badges. Are you...

please provide by email the number of taxi enforcement officers in post and separately in training for each standard TfL reporting period since period 4 2017/18

- How much did it cost the Transport for London to organise and stage the London Marathon in 2018? - How much of these costs were covered by Transport for London, as opposed to passed onto other...