
17980 requests found

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Dear Sirs, Unless otherwise mentioned all periods of data shall be restricted to 2014-2018. Can you please provide the names of any subcontractors used by TFL in relation to the Docklands Light...

Dear Transport for London, Please provide data for the transactions for the last 2 years: 1. An extract of the Property Asset Register showing all land/property in Greater London within M25...

Under FOI please provide me data in excel format as to what times bus 418 had arrived at stops- Cox Lane and Scott Close in the last 6 months.

Please provide the latest statistics for numbers of cyclists involved in incidents involving injury to pedestrians in wider UK and London. Also - please give an update as to when the response...

Dear Sir/Madam, This is an information request relating to Transport for London’s Drug and Alcohol Assessment and Treatment Service (DAATS). Please include the following information:  The...

Does TfL Carbon Offset? If yes, how? If no, are there plans in place to do so? If yes, what are they? If no, why not? Thank you.

Please may i request an up to date list of all subcontractors, suppliers and consultants involved with the development of northern line extension to Battersea, please may i make this request...

Could you please provide me with the daily operational performance review documents relating to London Underground performance from 01/01/2019-01/05/2019.

Under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2000 can you please tell me who produces (prints) and supplies the fireproof posters, which are at the Transport for London underground stations. Also,...

If you don't keep retrievable records of blue badge abuse can you confirm how many warnings or suspensions have been issued for any criminal offences in the last 12 months please? That's any...