
19678 requests found

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During a Mayor of London question time session, Sadiq Khan spoke of how TFL "has investigated alternative worksite and station options, however these have been discounted due to significant impacts...

The above display was removed about a year ago. I have been informed it will be replaced. This information was given by phone by TFL some months ago. Are you able to state when it will be...

Sainsbury’s have a planning Application that is in a period of consultation that will end on the 15th March. They plan two high tower blocks on lans above or adjacent to the proposed tunnelling...

How many complaints about tube noise entering people’s homes from the Victoria line between Highbury and Islington and King’s Cross stations have you received over the last 2 years?

How many claims have arisen from businesses or individuals not directly involved in or contracted to work for the project? If possible broken down into: Business interruption Structural damage Flooding Other ...

1) How many times has each tube station been closed due to overcrowding in each year of Sadiq Khan's mayoralty? 2) How many days off work have TfL staff taken due to stress in each year of Sadiq...

I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. In order to assist you with this request, I am outlining my query as specifically as possible. Please send me...

clarification: Hello. Thank you for this explanation. I would like the entry and exit counts throughout the day on a typical weekday / Saturday / Sunday in each year, broken down into 15 minute...

Dear Transport for London, I am currently working on a project related to transport. I looked at the TFL open data which provides entry and exit figures by station but it only provides annual...

I’d like to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act about refunds for incomplete journeys. How many refunds were paid in total over the last five years, across payment methods,...