Dear Sirs, I make a freedom of information request in respect of the signs on roads entering the congestion charge in support of a dispute regarding a penalty notice that I have received. Having...
i have in the contracts awarded below,, The item 'Project to contract an interim CISO for a 9-12 month period' which was in the range of...
Could you please provide the following information: Date for when the insurance is due for re-tender Total premium spend Current provider Contact name for person who deals with insurance
I understand that there has been a number of incidents involving busses and pedestrians on the junction of Tottenham Court Road and Torrington place. Can you please provide a breakdown of all...
Dear Transport for London, Please can you offer me this data under the FOI; Please respond to Q 1 to 4 for the year April 2019 to March 2020 and for April 2020 to September 2020 - This information...
Could I please request the working time tables for the tube over the upcoming christmas and new year time, please?
Dear Transport for London, Under the FOI Act, I would like to request the following information, please. All my questions relate to the simulator assessment stage of the current Service Control...
I am currently a 3rd year Civil Engineering student at UCL. As one of my 3rd year modules I am doing a research project with a course mate. We wish to undertake some pedestrian flow modelling...
Dear TfL, For my bachelor thesis research on public transport in London, I would like to know specific numbers of how many Oyster cards were sold and used in 2018 and/or 2019. More importantly,...
I am submitting the following FOI request and my reference is TFL/GM/27/11/20. I would be grateful if you could confirm safe receipt. Thank you. ‘The TfL licence for the scaffolding at 180/186...