
17980 requests found

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Please provide: * Any policies and guidance for tube drivers and tube station staff about customer service and how to interact with passengers. * Any written materials used in training tube drivers...

Please could you tell me the absolute number incidents of trains failing to communicate with the signalling system, which are often disingenuously described as 'faulty trains', between Edgware...

Dear All, Under the foi act please can you provide timings of all tubes that originate from northfields depot ie it is the first stop that run eastbound to central london. My understanding...

The 476 bus which passes my home appears to have become considerably more noisy. Please provide the following information about the fleet in the past five years. 1. What models of buses have...

Please can you publish the rules or guidelines for bus drivers Currently working for London bus companies wanting to obtain their licence for London to be able to move to a different bus company....

Please provide all documents detailing the specification of the new deep tube trains to be built by Siemens regarding their ability to operate automatically. Specifically documents identifying...

Can I please apply for the results of the "improving safety in PHV's consultation" under an FOI request?

Dear Transport for London, Under the freedom of information act, I am requesting information surrounding the rights to erasure under GDPR which came into place May 25th 2018. Please answer the...

Hello, I am contacting you in the request for some information made under the freedom of information act (2000). The topic being focused on is the amount of public London underground and overground...

Freedom of Information Request Please supply the following information in electronic format. Details of the proposal for walking/cycle scheme from Vauxhall Bridge to Hyde Park Corner via Belgrave...