
17564 requests found

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I would like a copy of the following papers: The Railway Integration Approach at Crossrail; Integration, Testing and Commissioning at Crossrail; Client Advice and Technical Services to Chief...

Hello TfL I'm a student motion graphics designer working on a project that surrounds the theme of 'Another London'. I'm working on a grand scale mockup of the Tottenham Court Road station in...

Good evening, Could you please send me the SCOOT traffic flow / congestion data for the following location in Ealing: - Uxbridge Road/Lower Boston Road junction (Overall junction number and...

Hello, In keeping with the successful completion of this request for Area Manager: Could you please...

My name is XXXX and I’m a consultant at a consultant firm here in Israel, I’m doing a review about congestion fees projects around the world and London is one them. As part of this research...

Follow-up to FOI-2549-2021: Wow wee that's a lot of hits. How about reducing the time period? Lets say from 20/1/21 (the High Court's decision) to 10/2/21 (the Court of Appeal allow leave to...

I would like to request footage of myself on these buses. I lost a very valuable item that i have a photograph of and lost it between these bus journeys. I would like images to find out when...

Small parcel of land at N17 9NX, Monument Way, Tottenham, London. streetview link -,-0.0677688,3a,45.4y,211.7h,81.16t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sOJgRIkRWxVkNjQ4dEaZsvQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192...

Dear TfL/FOI Under the freedom of information act, please provide me with the PCN contravention code issued when a vehicle, which is not a licensed taxi is parked/charging on a dedicated taxi...

Hello I am after information on your website as I went to pay for conjunction charges and the website was not working so I would like proof that it was (working ) so I can fight this in court....