
17497 requests found

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On this topic, can you explain how many members the Chauffeur and Executive Council and the Private Hire Board represent as officially recognised private hire representative bodies? I assume...

Hi I would like to request the covid 19 announcements sound file please on the London buses the Update one please?

We are a group of last year Engineering students from the Pontifical Catholic University in Chile. Working alongside our country's Transport Authorities, we are studying the current transport...

Dear Transport for London Can I request to see communications between new bus manufacturer Arrival and TfL. The time-frame for the request starts from 1 January 2021 to present day. If you're...

Good Afternoon, I have been tasked with putting together a market report on behalf of one of my clients regarding electric vehicle (EV) charging facilities within the UK. I’d be very grateful...

My question is, does your team have any pictures/ mappings or other evidence that shows if the roadworks on 3rd March 2020 were an obstruction to the road or not. We want to determine if the...

There is a sign at the junction of Thurlow Gardens and the A404 which states "Bus lane Mon - Sat 7 am - 7 pm", the sign is visible on Google Street View here:,-0.3002135,3a,40.8y,163.01h,90.05t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sRrEz6ER9duGV-lRL-tz8tw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 The...

There is a substantial footbridge over the Docklands Light Railway between Canning Town and East India stations. The bridge would link Wharfside Road with the path adjacent to the River Lea not...

I am a mechanical engineer, making high detail normally one off large scale models of steam engines and other interesting artifcats. I would like to request technical drawings, (preferably)...

I wish to make an FOI request on the current policy of buggies on tfl buses. I have twins and it is easier to travel with another person and 2 single buggies. The majority of TFL buses are helpful...