
17564 requests found

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Hi David, given that the original bus lane removal request was made on September 14, which is more than 60 days ago, and the following requests relating to it were simply clarifications of that...

An email from Abbas Raza dated 17 November 2023 included the following statements: 1) Lambeth Bridge north and south is in the top 50-75 percentile for road danger London-wide. 2) Lambeth...

F/on from FOI-2755 Dear TfL I understand your reasoning laid out in your response but disagree with the conclusion. You state that 18 hours at £25 per hour exceeds the £450 limit on FOI requests...

How many PCNS have been issued to people who live outside of the ulez zone since 29th August? What communications of the Ulez expansion have been received by residents in Loughborough? What...

I would like to know how much has been spent on road repairs and or re-surfacing in the last four years please

Further to TfL's response to our previous FOI Request (TfL Ref: FOI-1651-2324), we are not aware of any update from TfL on the timing of the closures of Colindale Station. However, we note that...

Follow-on from FOI-2763-2324: Many thanks for your response to my FOI request, and apologies for my slow reply. Unfortunately the file that you have supplied in response to my request only contains...

Questions requiring response: 1) How many bridges on motorways or A-roads have sections which are in a "poor" or "very poor condition"? 2) How many pedestrian and highway bridges have reinforced...

To whom it may concern, Please can you tell me how many bus lanes have been removed on roads run/controlled by TfL in each of the following years: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023. Please...

I sent a Freedom of Information request in April 2022 & I am having trouble accessing the audio recordings folder. If I could be added to the permissions list or have help please.