
17564 requests found

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T.F.L. use a company called B.I.P. Solutions of Glasgow to co-ordinate the tendering process. We have been trying to contact them to discuss the purchase of the chairs, for its seems as though...

Could you please send me contract information relating to Banking Services, Audit Services and Card Processing Services. If you do not understand what each of these mean please see below: •...

It is in my understanding that there have been some changes to the ibus announcements. In addition, the CD that was sent to me last March seemed to be outdated e.g. ('four nine o'rather than...

..." I therefore require documentary evidence that the camera type used is an 'approved device' and certified as approved by the Department for Transport for PCN's issued under regulation 10...

Annual entries and exits – Gloucester Road Station: 2012 to 2015

Please could you supply either a map or a list of all the Red Route "free parking zones" which have no restrictions on parking (for instance, the stretch of Archway Road between Talbot Road and...

How many topographical certificates have been accepted from August 2016 to the present moment and why have tfl made the same certificates illegal if sent in after 6th Feb 2017, are those certificates...

I would like to know the number of people who applied for the externally advertised role of night time tube driver. Job advertisment placed in March 2017.

If a person pays for a ticket or travel card by a debit/credit card the amount is collected from the person's bank account almost immediately or shortly thereafter. If a refund needs to be made...

I have completed statistical research and found significant results which has enabled me to progress on to producing engineering mitigation strategies. At this point I have ideas in mind and...