
17564 requests found

If you have a question regarding your ongoing request, please email [email protected]

Refined request - FOI-0986-1718: Please can I narrow my request to reports and other documents (not email correspondence) produced by the customer innovation team during 2016 and 2017?

It has come to light that a formal offer has been made buy Vantiv to buy Worldpay. Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 I would like to know if Ron Kalifa helped broker the deal to sell...

Follow-on from FOI-0991-1718: Please provide any information you hold regarding any attempts to make design changes to avoid or mitigate the following delays and issues identified in the attached...

How many bus stops across London that previously had digital displays of bus information have been removed over the past year (2017) and last year (2016) and replaced with bus stops without digital...

On the central line, eastbound, between Liverpool Street and Bethnal Green, there was a seven second section of track which used to make a hellish noise whenever the train went over it. It's...

Please supply ALL email correspondence between Helen Chapman (head of TFLTPH) and Uber London Limited. (ULL)

Please disclose the number of FOI requests received by TFL relating to Taxi & private hire (passed to the TPH department for answering) in 2017 and of that number how many received disclosure...

Follow on from: FOI-0894-1718 Was 2010/11 the first year of the cycle hire scheme? Separately from that do you have data on the costs of implementing the cycle lanes etc.

I would like to know the total number of connected street lights in London and the entire UK.

I am requesting the following information in relation to the The Surface Intelligent Transport System (SITS) Real Time Optimiser PIN / opportunity 1) the current procurement exercise timetable. 2)...