
17564 requests found

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Please could you inform me, in 2017 how many PHV licensees have had conditions placed on their licence restricting them from hiring/leasing PHVs to general members of the public (not a licensed...

Dear Transport for London, I live close to a bus stop on the route E5 and I am a regular user of the service, and in recent years the people the route serves and I have noticed severe overcrowding...

Mayorwatch -please provide by email the number of taxi enforcement officers in post and separately in training for each standard TfL reporting period since 1st May 2016

F/on from FOI-1317 Many thanks for the attached files. The Croydon Tram one files don't actually mention any of the routine messages which are played every day on the trams. For example "The...

Could I please request a copy of the class 345 announcements. Also could I please request a copy of the passenger information system (pis) codes used to activate the announcements for London...

This request is for specific information relating to a contract between TFL and the company Kantar TNS. I have spoken to representatives of Kantar TNS who described the contract to me variously...

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan stated in January 2017 that "TfL has worked with its supplier to develop the existing Cycle Superhighway signage to include cycle counter technology. These will be...

"How many Compliance visits have Uber had in the last 4 years and what was the points tally on each visit.

How many PCNs TFL issued to unsuspecting motorists at Box junction at Euston Road on 24 March 2017.

When a private hire operator dismisses a ph hire driver they must inform TFL within 14 days, could you inform me from 01/04/16 to 31/03/17 how many driver dismissal notifications did TFL receive...