
17564 requests found

If you have a question regarding your ongoing request, please email [email protected]

Can you please supply me with any information you hold relating to changes in the specification of the Birdcage Walk cycle path regarding the placement of light segregation (eg wands) as shown...

Page 265 of the draft Mayor's Transport Strategy main document the words: "...the fundamentally...

Can you please send me all correspondence between Richard Howard (Uber) and TfL between Feb 2012 - Nov 2012 under an FOI.

I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information, how many penalty charge notices have been issued to unauthorised vehicles using the north bound...

I would like to know if New Bermondsey (Surrey Canel Road) railway station is actually going to be built once major development surrounding the station has been constructed. Passengers haven't...

Please can you provide the following , The numbers of Taxi's and PHV's entering CONGESTION CHARGE ZONE between 01/01/17 and 30/06/17. Also, the daily average for each month, & monthly total of...

I would like to know how many Train Ops do London Underground have in employment that have Type 1 Diabetes?

Follow on from FOI-1263-1718: If possible could I get a further detail into the conduct of inspection number '2667537' on 25/1/17 on road id 0000A406_4/00020, particularly relating to the area...

For clarification I have previously been given a copy of the contract for provision of parking management of the London Underground Car Parks under FOI ref. FOI-0772-1516. I can see from this...

The Royal Borough of Kingston's School Place Planning strategy document (June 2017 ) clearly states that "Longer term, Crossrail 2 is likely to bring significant housing development in Tolworth...