
17497 requests found

If you have a question regarding your ongoing request, please email [email protected]

1. Over the last three years, broken down by financial year can you provide me the total number of accidents on the tube. 2. Over the last three years, broken down by financial year can you provide...

i am looking for the peak power output of the new rout master system however i am unable to find this information. i know there is a 185bhp engine with a 75kWh battery however there is no information...

Follow on from FOI- 4359-1718 Can you please confirm that no local authority has been allocated funding for 2017/18. Your response states that you have no breakdown of boroughs allocation at...

Please provide a schedule or list of information held by TfL in relation to PIN 2016/S 143-259408.

I would like to know the statistics regarding how many people have fainted while using the London Underground in 2017. The incidents of fainting can be on the tube, on the platform or anywhere...

I just want to know if you are enforcing the 30 mile Temp restriction at target roundabout and what are the fine cost. Does it affect the driving point and who issues those fines. It seem short...

Dear Transport for London, Disciplinary Cases regarding Harassment & Bullying from 2013 to 2018 date. Can you break down in years the number of Harassment and Bullying cases within London...

Follow on from FOI- 3015-1718 I would like to narrow my request to the latest specification and progress report.

1) Correspondence between Transport for London and the Mayor of London's office regarding Crossrail 2 since May 8th 2016. 2) Correspondence between Transport for London and Deputy Mayor for...

How many buses have speed limiters on them to ensure they keep to the speed limit? In particular on the 490 and 285 routes? Also, what is the highest speed of these buses recorded on Hanworth...