
17564 requests found

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‘I’ve asked for either a Service Improvement Plan, or confirmation that you have no SIP. You’ve failed to provide either of these. I’ve discussed this with numerous people, some of them very...

Can I request any records of phone calls, meetings, and/or emails between TfL and executives from the US scooter company Bird (incorporated in the UK as Bird Rides) conducted between November...

We have previously received (bus) network assessments for the Cycle Enfield project but only for the A105 and for Ponders End, yet the scheme is far wider We have nothing for the A110, nothing...

May I obtain the numerical data of 2015/2016 trip rates by main mode of transport and start hour, averaged over all days of a week please? Figure 2.19 of the Travel in London report 9 is almost...

Can I request any records of phone calls, meetings, and/or emails between TfL and executives from the US scooter company Lime between July 2017 and 12 July 2018. Specifically, any records of...

Please may I have records of the number of accidental and non-accidental alcohol-related incidents occurring across all TfL services, for every year between 2012 and 2017?

Hello. I would like to know how many meetings or conversations (by phone or similar) TfL has had with the U.S.-based electric scooter companies Bird, and Lime. I would like to see any emails...

Read in the news today that TfL is to spend some money decorating trains, station celebration of the above. Whilst I have absolutely no problem whatsoever with people’s gender orientation...

F/on from FOI-0998 This is not the information I am looking for. I wish to know about the lift on the westbound platform of the train from Stratford to Highbury, the bridge over the line and...

I would like a copy of the policy regarding posting on social media that London Underground employees (e.g. customer service assistants and train operators) are required to follow.