
17564 requests found

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Can you please let me know how many incidents occured over the past 12 months (since August 2017) of london underground and overground trains stuck between stations due to delays or other events...

Under the FOI Act, please provide a copy of the following. Emails dating 25 January 2016 to 10 February 2016 from TfL's Richard De Cani to DfT’s Rupert Furness and from Rupert Furness...

We are renewing our CCTV system in trams and metro (vehicles) and that’s why I’m asking some questions about your CCTV system. How old is your CCTV system and which company has manufactured it? Is...

Hi, can you please provide reason for Speed Reduction to 40MPH on A40 Dual carriageway between privale underpass to Target roundabout

Can you please supply technical drawings of Chairlock point motors as used on TfL railways, preferably in A3 pdf format.

Dear Transport for London, It has come to my attention that TfL plans to operate facial recognition and tracking technology in stations associated with the Crossrail project. I believe that...

Please may i request an up to date list of contractors, subcontractors and suppliers that have or will be involved with the Northern Line Extension

Last year TfL conducted a consultation on operator license fee increases planned at the time. Could you please send to me the following submissions made during this consultation from the following...

Request spreadsheet in CSV format be provided by email detailing average fare per day for Oyster and Contactless for the period from midnight 2018-05-20 to midnight 2018-05-27 including 2018-05-20...

An excel sheet showing the number of reported incidents to TfL's 'Report it to stop' it campaign from 2015-2018 and the overall number of incidents of a sexual nature that occurred.