FOI request detail

Central London T-Charge

Request ID: FOI-2945-1819
Date published: 29 May 2019

You asked

FREEDOM OF INFORMATION (FOI) ACT 2000 - INFORMATION REQUEST 1) Please confirm the date on which the Central London T-Charge was first implemented. 2) Please confirm the criteria for the T-Charge payment. 3) Since the T-Charge was introduced, how many vehicles have been subject to the T-Charge and what has been the revenue collected? 4) Since the T-Charge was introduced, how many vehicles have been incorrectly subject to the T-Charge and what has been the revenue incorrectly collected? 5) Since the T-Charge was introduced, of the vehicles have been incorrectly charged the T-Charge, what has been the breakdown of the reasons for the incorrect charge? 6) Since the T-Charge was introduced, how many vehicles have been incorrectly subject to the T-Charge, been identified to that effect and reimburse and compensated because of incorrect T-Charges? 7) How much revenue has TfL incorrectly charged T-Charge motorist, that it has not yet reimburse? 8) Please confirm your legally obligated time period to respond to my FOI Request.

We answered

TfL Ref: FOI-2945-1819

Thank you for your email received by Transport for London (TfL) on 4 February 2019. I apologise for the delay in replying.

Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy. I can confirm that we hold some of the information you require. You asked:

1) Please confirm the date on which the Central London T-Charge was first implemented.

2) Please confirm the criteria for the T-Charge payment.

The T-Charge was introduced on 23 October 2017. Full details of the payment methods and vehicles effected are available on our website at

Vehicles which are non-compliant with the T-Charge are charged both the £10 T-Charge and the appropriate Congestion Charge for driving within the Congestion Charge Zone during charging hours. If a motorist fails to pay the combined sum then they are issued with a Penalty Charge Notice.

3) Since the T-Charge was introduced, how many vehicles have been subject to the T-Charge and what has been the revenue collected?

Since the launch of the T-Charge an average of 4459 vehicles per day, which do not meet the emission standards for T-Charge, have been detected in the Congestion Charge zone during charging hours.

The table below details the number and value of T-Charge payments received, the number of Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) issued for non-payment of the T-Charge and the value of payments received against those PCNs.


4) Since the T-Charge was introduced, how many vehicles have been incorrectly subject to the T-Charge and what has been the revenue incorrectly collected?

We do not hold this information. Please see our response to point 6 for more information. It is the motorist’s responsibility to ensure they pay the correct charge(s) for their vehicle. The charging system is designed so that it is only possible to pay the T-Charge for a vehicle that we believe is non-compliant. We advise motorists to use the T-Charge Checker on our website to check if they need to pay the charge. The checker also includes a link for motorists to register with us if they believe their vehicle meets the relevant standards and should not be subject to the charge.

5) Since the T-Charge was introduced, of the vehicles have been incorrectly charged the T-Charge, what has been the breakdown of the reasons for the incorrect charge?

As outlined in question 2 vehicles which are non-compliant with the T-Charge are charged both the £10 T-Charge and the appropriate Congestion Charge for driving within the Congestion Charge Zone during charging hours. If a motorist fails to pay the combined sum then they are issued with a Penalty Charge Notice.

On receipt of a PCN a motorist has a statutory right to challenge a penalty by submitting a representation to us. Since the launch of the T-Charge we have cancelled 1246, of the 65,617 penalties issued, as a result of us receiving evidence to show that the vehicle is compliant with the T-Charge standards.

6) Since the T-Charge was introduced, how many vehicles have been incorrectly subject to the T-Charge, been identified to that effect and reimburse and compensated because of incorrect T-Charges?

In order to comply with the T-Charge the following standards apply

  • Euro 4/IV for both petrol and diesel vehicles
  • Euro 3 for motorised tricycles and quadricycles

In order to verify compliance we use Driver and Vehicle Licencing Agency (DVLA) information and available data from the Vehicle Certification Agency (VCA). If a vehicle is listed as non-compliant on our website, but the motorist believes it to be complaint, we invite them to send evidence to us to confirm this. If we are satisfied the vehicle is compliant we update our records to reflect this.

Since the launch of the T-Charge we have updated 3428 vehicle records to reflect that they are compliant with the standards. We do not pay compensation as a result of a vehicle record being updated.

7) How much revenue has TfL incorrectly charged T-Charge motorist, that it has not yet reimburse?

We do not hold this information. Please see our response to point 4 for an explanation of why this is.

If this is not the information you are looking for, or if you are unable to access it for any reason, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal as well as information on copyright and what to do if you would like to re-use any of the information we have disclosed.

Yours sincerely

Eva Hexall

FOI Case Management Team

General Counsel

Transport for London

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