FOI request detail

How much money has TFL made from residents of the congestion charge zone

Request ID: FOI-2677-2324
Date published: 22 November 2023

You asked

How much money is made each year by TFL from residents who live and drive within the congestion charge zone but do not renew their congestion charge residents' discount? How much money in total does TFL make each year during periods when residents have not renewed their discount? How many complaints does TFL get per year from residents who have charged the normal congestion charge rate that claim they did not know the residents discount had to be renewed? Should TFL make it clearer that the onus is on the driver to renew their discount every year to avoid normal charges? Why must congestion charge zone residents renew their discount each year, even those who have lived in the same place for decades? Does TFL only send one email reminder in the hope that people miss it, meaning they can earn extra money from residents who are eligible for this discount?

We answered

Our ref: FOI-2677-2324/GH

Thank you for your request received by Transport for London (TfL) on 27 October 2023 asking for information about the Congestion Charge residents' discount.

Your request has been considered under the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and our information access policy. I can confirm that we do hold some of the information you require.

How much money is made each year by TFL from residents who live and drive within the congestion charge zone but do not renew their congestion charge residents' discount?
How much money in total does TFL make each year during periods when residents have not renewed their discount?

When a motorist pays the Congestion Charge we do not record whether the vehicle was previously registered for a resident discount so we do not hold this information.

How many complaints does TFL get per year from residents who have charged the normal congestion charge rate that claim they did not know the residents discount had to be renewed?

We do not have a specific category to record complaints for this reason, and therefore we cannot report on the number of complaints of this nature. 

Road User Charging accounts are self-managed and it is down to the account holder to ensure any discounts they are eligible for are up to date and active to make use of them. Details of the Auto Pay accounts and their benefits along with the Terms & Conditions can be seen here - Auto Pay - Transport for London (  and Pay to drive in London - Transport for London (

Should TFL make it clearer that the onus is on the driver to renew their discount every year to avoid normal charges?
Why must congestion charge zone residents renew their discount each year, even those who have lived in the same place for decades?
Does TFL only send one email reminder in the hope that people miss it, meaning they can earn extra money from residents who are eligible for this discount?

The Congestion Charge Residents’ discounts must be renewed yearly in order for us to verify that the person who holds the discount still resides in the zone.

The Terms & Conditions of the discount state that it is the responsibility of the account holder to ensure their discount is renewed in a timely manner. We send an initial letter advising the account is due for renewal and if it is not renewed we send a further letter confirming the discount has been closed.

These communications are sent to the customers selected communication channel. When a motorist advises us that they were unaware the discount was due for renewal we aim to deal with any complaints fairly and reasonably.

If you are not satisfied with this response please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.

Yours sincerely

Graham Hurt
FOI Case Officer
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London

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